Six Month Travel Milestone

Tammy Barr

Six Month Travel Milestone

Do you miss us?

Looking back…

Here we are, six months into this great adventure! Some quick figures:

22 countries

7 H&M store visits

6 cruises

4 spas

2 road-trips

1 sprained ankle (Tammy)

1 bad sunburn (Corey)

Countless breathtaking moments

Enjoying the spa in Iceland

The time has gone by quickly but simultaneously feels like so much longer. It is strange to squeeze in so many incredible vistas and historical sites into a small time.

There are times when we are stay in place for several weeks which is a great time for zoom dates. We have kept in touch with family and friends and some great questions have been asked. So I thought we would compile and share as a post for our six month travel milestone.

Tammy’s Q&A

1. How do you keep your mind busy and challenged?

I feel like we’re always being challenged and quite busy. Even when relaxing on the Black Sea coast we had future travel to plan. Looking up places to stay, flight deals, planning itineraries, and whatnot. Some weeks it feels like we have a full time job just sitting in front of a computer and comparing flight costs and sifting through endless Airbnb options for future stays.

I also try to learn local languages. Once in Bulgaria I started studying Cyrillic and learning Bulgarian words and phrases. When we were in France, learning basic French was vital to our survival. Now I’ve switched over to learning Italian again. One phrase that I’ve learned the best is “Io sono l’uomo.” I don’t know when I will ever use it but thanks Duolingo for this accomplishment!

For fun I try to play Worldle and Wordle each day. When we were cruising this summer I missed several days but now that we’re land lubbers again I’ve been able to maintain the habit.

2. Any surprises so far?

I was surprised how much I did not like Naples. It was uninteresting and grimy. We quickly passed through on our way to Pompeii.

I’m surprised that I’ve only read two books so far. I thought for sure I’d be turning pages like crazy but that just hasn’t been the case.

3. What is your favorite place visited so far?

Too many awesome places to pick from. I loved touring Spain, Iceland, and Slovenia. Some say aloud “wow” moments included:

  • Finally checking Pompeii off my bucket list and walking the old streets with Mt. Vesuvius lurking in the background
  • The beautiful road trip in Iceland for Corey’s birthday
  • Seeing hundreds of dolphins jumping out of the water around Loreto, Mexico
Pompeii and Vesuvius in background
Vista in Iceland
Dolphins under the boat, Loreto

Corey’s Q&A, written from his voice and perspective

1. How do you keep your mind busy and challenged?

Through diving into local culture and history as we travel. Sightseeing and visiting museums is providing a deeper understanding and insights.

I have also been keeping abreast of world news and politics, continuing to follow NFL games and analysis, and learning more about investing.

2. Any surprises so far?

Based on European critiques of American urban planning, I had expected Europe to be more pedestrian-friendly. Especially outside of the old cities / tourist-zones, there is plenty of pedestrian-hostile environments: sidewalks that stop out of nowhere, intersections that require long detours to cross, etc. We even saw Levittown-style suburbs in Southern France.

3. What is your favorite place visited so far?

Kotor, Montenegro: My first experience in an ancient walled city. We hiked all morning to some great views from a mountain fortress, and then found someone serving wine and cheese on their back patio. Then had a giant Balkan meat plate for dinner. We will soon be back in Kotor for another day and it will be interesting to see what else the city has to offer.

Jokes along the way…

We thought it would also be fun to share a compilation of funny photos, street signs, and graffiti taken over the last 6 months.

Spain: When I asked Corey how long the walk would be, he pointed to this sign 😂
Spain: 💨 😂
Saw this in Spain while in between cruises
Wrong timing for the selfie in Pompeii
Italy: I’m not sure why they named the store “Oops”
Pisa: I jumped, he didn’t
Window sticker in Lisbon
Old advert for Port… in Porto of course!
Sweden: Perfect plant for a narcissist (it’s a daffodil)
Helsinki: Just an interesting display window
Not sure what this is trying to say
Drove by this sign in Iceland and had to stop!
Iceland’s way of telling you you’re about to drive somewhere with nothing around
London: We didn’t eat here but it smelled so good!
London: They’re innocent! Lol
Dover: What more can you say?
This reminded me of the common phrase in Asia “same, same but different “
Didn’t figure out the Bulgarian for this but it’s still funny
Bulgaria: Looks like some kind of Disney villain
Surely this store in Sofia will sell clothes that fit our bodies

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